Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Review of Tea Tree Facial Wash and Facial Scrub

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Ageing Hands

Dear friends,

This time I will tackle a very important issue that concerns of all us ageing hands, this is a common problem not only for mature women but for young women as well.
I'm about to disclose a big secret to fix this problem once for all.
The egg mask. Eggs contain incredible properties that have the power to rejuvenate your hands in about a week.
All you need is one organic egg.

The process:
Just mix 1 egg on a bowl, big enough to hold your hands.
Dip your hands on the mixture for 20 minutes, do this twice a week and notice the difference.

Remember to moisturise your hands everytime you feel dryness.
Sleep with gloves on to lock moisture during the night, this will help to keep your hands young for many years to come.
This process goes for your feet as well and why not try the egg rescue mask on your feet?

This was another this from Maison De D'lila

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Action Against Hair Shedding

Hi there,

It's been so long dear friends, I've been away for a while but I'm back to tackle an issue that concerns all of us, wich is hair shedding.
You don't have to worry because we have the tip to stop this annoying problem.

This particular problem could be due to to the fact that your hair it's over processed and really needs a break, while you giving a break to your hair just follow this halthy tip.

You'll need a small bowl
6 english black tea bags
One full mug of mineral water
Shower Cap

Boil the amount of water mentioned above
Then add all the tea bags
Let it stay over night

Wash your hair and then apply the mixture to your hair and let it stay for 4 good hours.
Rinse-it but attention, make sure you deep condition your hair after the process as your hair can be a bit dry.

If you follow this treatment once a week for at least 3 months you'll notice a decrease on shedding.

This was another tip from Maison De D'lila
With Love

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Mandarin's Tea Party Soap from Lush

Hi again,

Because we were duscussing the many benefits of the Tunisian Neroli oil, we have the pleasure to introduce to you this soap from Lush called: Mandarin's Tea Party Soap.
This soap constains the Tunisian Neroli Oil and it's the answer to all your dry skin conditions.
Note: It's ideal for your body but not for your face as soaps can dry your skin.

From Maison De D'lila
Voici La Beaute